Screen Presenting

We refer to Screen Presenting as the aptitude to present to groups with a dedicated internet platform while using slides and a webcam, be it in your office, home, or dedicated filming set-up.

Screen Presenting does not refer to the technical aspects of broadcasting, platforms or bandwidth issues

How it's Different

Presenting in front of a webcam, usually sitting in front of your computer is a more challenging compared to doing a traditional stand-up presentation.  It must be more than just sharing a screen, and audience attention rates are much shorter than face-to-face.  They may even decide whether they want to see you, or only what you are sharing while listening to your voice.  

Why it's Important

The pandemic has restricted travelling to give presentations face-to-face, even when you are in the same building!  Teleworking is becoming more and more the new norm and ensuring you can get your ideas across screen-to-screen is more important than ever.  Screen presenting skills are not the same as face-to-face and should be considered as an upskilling.  Yesterday’s good public presenter is not necessarily skilled for today’s web-presenter!

How to do it Better

Master the new rules for Screen Presenting:

Be precise. Audiences expect more precise and explicit communication.  

Keep it short.  15 minutes is a good target time!  If you need longer, at least package your information into 15 minute digestible segments.

Keep your slides simple.  Text-heavy slides are already very difficult to digest, and with screen presenting they can become a nightmare in communication.  

Animate blocks of text when needed.  Don’t allow people to get ahead of your ideas by reading out loud what they have already read.  

Use your Screen Voice:  Because there is a body-language gap you must focus more on your voice tone, speed, and rhythm.